The Calgary TELUS Convention Centre was vibrant with energy as leaders in all sectors across the city joined us for our third Axis Connects Leadership Forum, powered by ATB. The day offered thought-provoking, dynamic and engaging conversations sparked by our incredible roster of speakers. Almost 600 mid-to senior-level professionals gathered to challenge preconceived notions of leadership, network and build strong partnerships.
The 2024 Forum had a resounding message: gender diversity in the workplace is a strategic advantage, a driver of innovation and a surefire way to success. Together, we can collectively work to advance women and create a more inclusive and equitable standard.
Here’s a recap of some of the empowering experiences, expertise and advice our speakers shared.

Dr. Ty Wiggins kicked off the day with a fireside chat about leadership transitions. We got to hear his insights on what characteristics make a great CEO (resilience, empathy, emotional intelligence and communication), and we learned some tips to make the leap to CEO easier, like building a good relationship with the board and knowing other CEOs who will be able to support you.

Zabeen Hirji discussed responsible leadership and the forces of change shaping the future of work. Her advice on how to handle being overlooked and stand out? Stop thinking about how you would be great in a higher role and start taking on those responsibilities and acting like you already have it.
“Embrace your leadership journey with purpose, courage and curiosity. You have the power to shape the future, not just for yourself, but for your employees, organizations, communities and beyond” –Zabeen Hirji

The breakout sessions helped us hone our negotiation skills with Joanna Shea, look at what’s next for Alberta with Cristina Lopez and Gitane De Silva, and examine and help shift the existing gender data gap with Danika Kelly and Janine Rogan.

Over the lunch hour, the Right Honourable Stephen J. Harper took the stage and discussed how the U.S. election results impact Canada and shared his hope for the future, not only in Canadian politics but in the overall landscape for the future.
“If you’re a young person who’s got passion, who’s got real education, who’s focused on what you want to do and is prepared to shape those ends to serve the needs of many others, I just think the sky is going to be the limit. I think it’s going to be a great time to be alive. I don’t think we should be pessimistic at all, and particularly looking at the history of women, I think the era to come is going to be the best era in human history to be a woman ever.” –Stephen Harper

Diana Matheson, Russell Reimer and Alyson Walker shared the promising new era of women’s sports, changing the narrative that it doesn’t make money or people aren’t watching. The discussion highlighted why investing in women’s sports is a good business move and shared other ways that we can all empower women in sports.
“Greatness is gender-neutral.” –Russell Reimer

Dr. Indira Samarasekera and Dr. Martha Piper captured the audience with a dynamic discussion as they shared their experiences with mentorship and sponsorship, seizing opportunities, making decisions that reflected their values even when people didn’t agree and having the nerve it takes to get to the top.
“What we often lack is nerve. Nerve to be yourself, do it your way, think differently, act in a peculiar way, reinvent yourself, take on power, make tough decisions. […] It’s always used as a negative attribute for women, almost a pseudonym for ambition. ‘They’re too ambitious, they’re too nervy.’ We believe it’s a trait to encourage in women and not discourage.” –Dr. Martha Piper

To close out the speaker sessions, attendees engaged in an interactive session hosted by Sabrina Sullivan and Meghan Donohoe to practice foresightful leadership. The room was encouraged to think outside the box, ask “What if?”’ and reimagine leadership for the uncertainties and complexities of the future.
“The promotion of women in business is really important to our economy and to our future,” says former Prime Minister Stephen Harper. “It’s great to have the Margaret Thatcher’s of the world who will power their way through, but ultimately, for most people, you need a critical mass to get that kind of change. I know that’s what Axis is doing and doing successfully.”
Missed out on this year’s forum? Become an Axis member today, and get the news first for future events.